I love a good backpack, especially quality ones that won't rip or have a shoulder strap snap off (I'm looking at you Jansport). That is why I love The North Face. Every NF backpack I've ever owned (2) have never broken or snapped. They just got a little too old for me and a little too dirty. So, when I saw this sleek looking backpack, The North Face Base Camp Master Cylinder, I decided to blog about it (long name, I know).

It's pricey for a backpack at $99.00 retail, but I bet you would end up spending that much replacing the other crappy backpacks that break down on you for the amount of time that these bags can last. I saw these in person at Gander Mountain (a sporting goods store) and the only problems I have with these are the fact that they are white and don't have a laptop compartment. Almost every college kid I know owns a laptop. Also, white can get dirty real quick if you're not careful. But, if you like the design as much as I do and want to cop, go here.